Not so much metal, but alternative stuff, math rock, alt punk, always loved it, it was a guilty pleasure while I was an elder, now it's just a pleasure!
disposable hero of hypocrisy
JoinedPosts by disposable hero of hypocrisy
Heavy metal
by Godsendconspirator ini have always loved heavy metal music (thrash metal to be more specific).
since heavy metal is usually associated with satan and occult themes many christians and jws in particular stray away from it.
in my teenagehood i was listened to it obsessively until i started studying and got baptized at age 18 and i started listening to other genres.
Your views and ideas on forum areas and organization?
by Simon inthis may come as a shock to some people, but the current forum structure was kind of thrown together without much real thought and then evolved a bit over time.
there are a few things that particularly grate on me and areas where i don't think the subjects work particularly well.
'friends' is a bit vague and becomes a dumping ground, news & world events vs politics & current affairs is hard to decide sometimes, child abuse is a scandal but isn't contained withing 'scandals & coverups' etc.... with a new forum platform imminent, it's a good time to solicit ideas to improve things.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Hang on. Isn't it all about free and open discussion? Getting all sides to the story? Weighing up what people say for yourself? Not sectioning ourselves off to only speak with people that agree with us. That's what some of us are still coming OUT of.
But yes, we could be a little more civil to each other in the meantime. Christian/atheists sections is a bad idea in my opinion. We should just grow up and ignore name callers, get a thicker skin.
Poster with basic math on shunning - for JW parents
by Fernando inyour thoughts on such a poster?.
( says: "jehovah's witnesses have the lowest retention rate of any religious tradition.
only 37% of all those who say they were raised as jehovah's witnesses still identify themselves as jehovah's witnesses.").
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Wow, good work dismember!
KM Online Now
by konceptual99 ineven more of what you don't want to read is online.
the km are now online under wol.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
How much difference is there between us /uk km?
A must to be MS?
by crazyhorse inso is it a must and an absolute requirement to be a ministerial servant in the org?.
i was told that if i refuse an appointment as an ms then it means i'm opposing "jehovah's call to service".
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Splash, isn't it "DESIROUS" of fine work? Used to be anyway... The ddesire has to be there. If it's not it's not. Say that you're praying for the desire to be increased and you're leaving it with jehovah..
Also, there's the scripture where it says that he gave SOME as evangelisers, SOME as teachers, SOME as etcetera etcetera etcetera... Not everyone NATURALLY progresses to be an elder or a CO or a member of the gb. The illustration is given of a body, each part playing a different role. Tell them "I'm perfectly happy in the role I play currently in the congregation, and if that changes in the future i'd be only too happy to let you know, but thanks for considering me anyway"
It's tough I know, when family pressures and expectations are heaped upon you, but i can tell you, the guilt goes away very quickly, and they'll soon get used to you not being the person they thought you were.
Just say no. It's not mandatory.
WOW. Sorry Its been so Long! Update:After i declined the shep call
by Jon Preston ini dont know if anyone forgot me or remembered.
but lets start where i left off.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Good for you mister! Must be good to have your wife on board, well done!
BITE Model & WTS quotations
by TheBeardedMan_OrNot inmy first message on the board.... at first, sorry for my english : i'm a french speaker from belgium so please be indulgent .
this message because i found this thread recently :.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Likewise one eyed Joe, very similarfor me too. Had the talk. Doubts expressed. NNothing since. Elephant in the room. Minimal ministry. Playing along. Trying to work out how to proceed. Sucks eh?
Your views and ideas on forum areas and organization?
by Simon inthis may come as a shock to some people, but the current forum structure was kind of thrown together without much real thought and then evolved a bit over time.
there are a few things that particularly grate on me and areas where i don't think the subjects work particularly well.
'friends' is a bit vague and becomes a dumping ground, news & world events vs politics & current affairs is hard to decide sometimes, child abuse is a scandal but isn't contained withing 'scandals & coverups' etc.... with a new forum platform imminent, it's a good time to solicit ideas to improve things.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
I've not read the whole thread but in case no one else has suggested it , it'd be great to see a couple of tabs at the top for "new replies to threads you've posted on" and "new threads" .
It's hard work tracking down old conversations if they've dropped off the first few pages of "active topics "
But, once again,thanks Simon. Hundreds of thousands (?) of people have benefitted from your hard work. Cheers!
(out of interest, just how many people HAVE signed up over the years? And how do the figures match up to jw. Org? It'd be funny if you had more hits!)
Brett King (Jehovah's Witness) Releases Video of why he removed his ill son, Ashya, from a UK hospital
by jwleaks in. .
jw leaks.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Well said wizz.
I'm meeting with my congregation Elders Today HELP PLEASE
by LennaB inmeeting with my congregation elders today.. going to tell them about the things i discovered about c.t russell.
(astrology, racism, ect.
) i don't know how to present this information or what to say.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Dis-member you missed my point about working along with your prayers, I wasn't promoting prayer! read it again! And yes, there ARE a lot of differing viewpoints, and it IS confusing coming out of a closed system that is WTland into the real world. It takes time to acclimatise and form your own opinions.
So lennaB, take your time, read a lot, don't make any immediate decisions, don't talk about this to other jw's till you're more confident in what you think . Best of luck matey!